Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26th, 2013 - Pancakes, Storms, and Possessed Air Conditioners

My pancake addiction is unrelenting. Geogirl and I went to Secret Cove this morning for a delicious pancake breakfast and enjoyed a brief but pleasant walk along the beach—brief, due to the heat.

It was 33oC. I’m used to insane temperature changes at home—sunny one moment, freak snowstorm  the next—and I barely notice most of the time (only enough to complain about it, naturally). But here, three degrees higher than usual seems to make a huge difference. It was positively sweltering today, even though it was overcast. And, of course, we walked the 3 km roundtrip to Ao Yon and back, which includes multiple hills, so by the time we returned home we were both exhausted and in desperate need of air conditioning.

Under normal circumstances, using the A/C would be no problem, but we do our best to avoid using ours. We have to be very, very careful with the air conditioning—one tap to either side to turn it on or off is fine, but two taps is too many. And I don’t mean too many as in it won’t work, I mean too many as in if you make it angry it turns into a harbinger of death and starts sparking menacingly like Storm from the X-Men. There are many burnable things here, including myself, so I try to be very cautious with the disconcerting fire hazard that is our A/C. But I’m not worried about it. And because I’m laidback now—no Type A personality here, no sir—I spend a good deal of time convincing myself of how not worried I am.

Speaking of unexpected sparking things, we were treated to our first torrential downpour today! Its been raining a bit here and there, but nothing as severe as this.


It stopped about as suddenly as it started, leaving me just enough time to realize that my laundry was outside and start dashing around madly on the balcony trying to bring it all in (it stopped the moment I succeeded. Oh irony, you tease.). It was cool to watch, though, and we are both very much looking forward to the rainy season; all the warmth with far less of the sunburn—and the added benefit of rain, because really, who doesn’t love rain?


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