Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27th, 2013 - Buying Bikes in Phuket Town

Went to get bikes (not the motorized kind) from Tesco in Phuket Town today while the nice lady Mike hired to clean our place was there. It’s starting to get weird being the only pedestrians on this island (or so it seems), so bikes seemed like our best alternative.

We took a taxi in. Taxis are expensive here, so we try to avoid it, but there are some places that you just can’t endure walking to in this heat.

We stopped for lunch at a Swensen’s in Phuket Mall. Well, I say lunch, but really I had a waffle covered in sweet delicious ice cream and chocolate sauce so…no, actually, I’m still going to call that lunch. If you can’t have dessert for lunch as an adult, then what’s the point of being an adult at all?

Anyway, my brother would be appalled at my uninformed selection of what equates to a $50 Walmart bicycle, but it was cheap, and I’m not picky. We had intended to ride them back home, but ran into the following obstacles:

a) The bikes need adjusting and some air in the tires
b) It was, as always, thirty degrees outside
c) We couldn’t find any helmets to buy
d) We’d have to ride in/through some crazy traffic in an area we were far from familiar with, which included such oddities as a traffic circle (how does one even begin to navigate a traffic circle? I don’t understand.)
e) And most importantly, we had no idea where we were going

I convinced Geogirl that we should spring for a minibus taxi ride home (a large enough vehicle to fit
the bikes in)—she didn’t need much convincing. Best 500 baht I’ve ever spent.


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